Positive discipline
Of all parenting techniques, I wish more people knew about positive discipline. An effective correction tool, it corrects the child without shaming, as spoken about here
Discipline often becomes a challenge for parents of toddlers. Try to say things in a positive way rather than using negatives. This may take some practice, but is very effective once you form the new "habit." For example, instead of saying "Don't run," say "Please walk," or instead of "Don't take your shoes off," say "Please keep your shoes on." Developmentally, toddlers (as well as preschoolers) hear the action word and ignore negatives, so when you say, "Don't run," they hear the word, "RUN." Start now with a positive approach and see if it works for you!
Encouraging anyone, including children, to do the right thing is 1000 times more friendly and loving than discouraging them from doing the wrong thing.
A waldorf approach to positive discipline from here:
You Are Your Child's First Teacher, page 257
"Many parents ignore their child's negative behavior until they either give in or lose their temper. For example, a lady with a baby and a two-year-old in one shopping cart and groceries in the other was ignoring the crazy behavior of her two-year-old, who became more and more annoying, trying to get a reaction... Although she was still able to calmly ignore it, we need to recognize that it is frustrating to children to be allowed to get crazier and crazier as they keep 'upping the antie.' There were a lot of calm but effective things she could have done along the way, like stopping the cart and saying it doesn't move until he's sitting down; singing to him; engaging him by saying she'd let him get the pineapple juice... asking him to watch in the produce section and tell her when he saw the carrots. Children don't have to be crazy or drive us crazy, but they do require creative interaction."
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